Signing the open letter in favor of RMS, even though he probably should not head FSF?

Six years ago, I posted an article related to my (limited) direct experience with Richard Matthew Stallman, which I concluded by: although he values his freedom and values freedom in general, working with him, even in a very distant way, is just a matter of subordination; he’d make a credible science-fiction character: distopian guru, the Pied Piper of MIT.

You would assume that I would approve his removal from Free Software Foundation. But no: I was not expecting this to be based on the current trendy totalitarian philosophy. No one should be happy that someone is prevented to do his work due to his identity or political and philosophical opinions – or, worse, how he is depicted by an angry mob no matter what he actually thinks or said.

In regard of Free Software, RMS is as important as Winston Churchill was regarding UK’s position during World War II. He built the philosophical base of what Free Software is. It would not be, or in a completely different form, without him. And you cannot claim to promote of something “meant to serve everyone regardless of their age, ability or disability, gender identity, sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion or sexual orientation” when you actually exactly do the contrary. This way of thinking when you make a list of people always right other always wrong, when you silence the one that are wrong, matches totalitarian ideologies, not freedom.

So I really don’t care about RMS position at FSF, it is probably for the best that he is no longer in his autocratic position. I surely don’t care about his personal opinion about this or that topic unrelated to software. I guess some other people might think likewise. But it is not a reason to keep silent toward ideological violence.

If you like to rethink all these dark events in history, that are never black or white, you’ll consider that the issue is not that much about the main protagonists, following their path whether they’ll turn out to be criminals or freedom fighters. No, the issue is regarding the bystanders, that will see questionable things being done but won’t comment, because it does not affect them really, because they felt no connection to the one attacked or, because they felt maybe it is was on some other level deserved. But history judgment is harsh on them, nonetheless.

“We ask for contributors to free software projects to take a stand against bigotry and hate within their [FSF] projects”, they wrote. Bigotry and hate are terms that can easily be turned to describe them, or easy to manipulate in every direction. When you silence people, there is hate. When you create a work environment in which people are silenced due to their opinions, there is bigotry. I believe that the sane way to regulate society is called rights of man: can be punished, silenced, only if they have been proven of breaking legitimate laws by a legitimate court. And that led me to sign the letter in favor of RMS, even though I do not think he should not be at the head of FSF. We should not accept a society of oppression, no matter in which name, especially not in the name of greater good because that’s always the one invoked to do the worse. We thought ideologies were dead. No, they are as dangerous as ever.

PS : since GNOME Foundation is heavily involved and claim acting in regard of Free Sofware credibility, it is easy to point out they are not exactly known for that. Regarding Mozilla, RedHat, and similar companies, etc, hum, if they really want to howl with the wolves, maybe some day no one will care to promote their work instead of “don’t be Evil”-company.

PPS: seems that some people that want RMS eviction also advise to blacklist, recruitment-wise, anyone that signed the letter in favor of RMS (a, b, c, etc). The whole process is definitely quite disgusting, besides being completely stupid.

PPPS: some other made named-based statistics to guess which ethnicity or genre is voting for or against. I do not think there is any progress in essentialism and surely we cannot call democrats people in favor of racial or sexual-based voting rights (except by erasing concept of modern citizenship).

Moving a live encrypted system from one hard disk to another

This a short memento based on earlier articles Moving a live system from one hard disk to another and http://Single passphrase to boot Devuan GNU/Linux with multiple encrypted partitions. This is useful when you start to move over your systems partitions from HDD to SSD, that nowadays are clearly worth their cheap price.

This article is made for Devuan GNU/Linux but should not be distro specific – you just might want to replace devuan string in later command by something else.

We start by setting some variables depending on the relevant drives. Any doubt about which drive is what, running lsblk should help.

# new NVMe disk 

# or alternatively for a SATA new disk:
# NDISK=/dev/sdb


(AHCI SATA SSD are faster than HDD, but AHCI itself will be the bottleneck, so I’d suggest to install a NVMe SSD if your mainboard allows).

# key necessary to mount all partitions with a singlepassphrase

if [ ! -e $key ]; then dd if=/dev/urandom of=$key bs=1024 count=4 && chmod 400 $key ; fi

Next step is to replicate the disk structure. While this article is BIOS-boot based, it should go along UEFI:

parted $NDISK

(parted shell)
mklabel gpt
mkpart biosreserved ext2 1049kB  50,3MB
toggle 1 bios_grub
mkpart efi fat32 50,3MB  500MB
toggle 2 msftdata
mkpart swap linux-swap 500MB   16,0GB
toggle 3 swap
mkpart root ext4 16,0GB 250GB

Model: KINGSTON SA2000M8250G (nvme)
Disk /dev/nvme1n1: 250GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags: 

Number  Start   End     Size    File system     Name          Flags
 1      1049kB  50,3MB  49,3MB                  biosreserved  bios_grub
 2      50,3MB  500MB   450MB                   efi           msftdata
 3      500MB   16,0GB  15,5GB  linux-swap(v1)  swap          swap
 4      16,0GB  250GB   234GB   ext4            root


We build the new system partition (luks1 is still mandatory with grub, but that won’t be true forever we can suppose):

cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks1 "$NDISK$NPART_PREFIX"4
cryptsetup luksOpen "$NDISK$NPART_PREFIX"4 "$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64
cryptsetup  luksAddKey "$NDISK$NPART_PREFIX"4 $key
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64 -L "$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64

mkdir /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64
mount /dev/mapper/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64 /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64

ignore="backups home dev lost+found media proc run sys tmp"
for dir in $ignore; do touch /$dir.ignore ; done && for dir in /*; do if [ -d $dir ]; then if [ ! -e $dir.ignore ]; then /usr/bin/rsync --archive --one-file-system --delete $dir /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/ ; else if [ ! -e /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/$dir ]; then mkdir /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/$dir; fi ; rm $dir.ignore ; fi ; fi ; done

We update required system files:

echo " " >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/crypttab
echo "# "`date` >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/crypttab
echo "$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64 UUID=`blkid -s UUID -o value "$NDISK$NPART_PREFIX"4` $key luks,tries=3,discard >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/crypttab
echo "$LUKS_PREFIX"swap `find -L /dev/disk -samefile "$NDISK$NPART_PREFIX"3 | grep by-id | tail -1` /dev/urandom cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256,swap,discard >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/crypttab

# comment out old lines
nano /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/crypttab

echo " " >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/fstab
echo "# "`date` >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/fstab
echo "/dev/mapper/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64	/		ext4	errors=remount-ro		0 1" >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/fstab
echo "/dev/mapper/"$LUKS_PREFIX"swap	none		swap	sw		0 0" >> /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/fstab

# comment out old lines
nano /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/fstab

echo "Make sure this is in grub config:"
echo GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"rd.luks.key=$key:UUID=`blkid "$NDISK$NPART_PREFIX"4 -s UUID -o value`\"
echo GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=\"luks cryptodisk lvm\"

# update grub config
nano /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/etc/default/grub

Last step is to install the boot loader on the new disk:

mount --bind /dev /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/dev
mount --bind /sys /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/sys
mount -t proc /proc /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64/proc
chroot /tmp/"$LUKS_PREFIX"devuan64

update-initramfs -u

# need to be retyped since it not in chroot environment

grub-install $NDISK
grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg

That’s all.

Using PowerDNS (server and recursor) with DNSSEC and domain name spoofing/caching

update, October 2021: I consider stopping using PowerDNS. I do not want to rely on unreliable people (debian bug #997054 and debian bug #997056). update, February 2023: done with Knot DNS and Knot Resolver!

I updated my earlier PowerDNS (server and recursor) setup along with domain name spoofing/caching. This is a short update to allow DNSSEC usage and unlimited list of destinations from spoof/cache list. Files described here can be found on gitlab.


Adding DNSSEC support can done easily by creating /etc/powerdns/recursor.d/10-dnssec.conf :

# dnssec	DNSSEC mode: off/process-no-validate 
#                    (default)/process/log-fail/validate

# dnssec-log-bogus	Log DNSSEC bogus validations

Every local zone must be excluded by adding to /etc/powerdns/recursor.lua :

addNTA("", "internal zone")

New redirect.lua renewal script

Earlier version provided a static /etc/powerdns/redirect.lua which was depending on with redirect-cached.lua, redirect-ads.lua and redirect-blacklisted.lua, which contained lists of domains to either blacklist (meaning: redirected to loopback) or spoof.

Now, the script use the configuration redirect-spooflist.conf to generate redirect.lua. The ads blacklist part is unchanged.

The configuration syntax is as follow:

# IP:	domain domain 

# redirect thisdomain.lan and thisother.lan to,
# except if is asking thisdomain.lan thisother.lan 

# redirect anotherthisdomain.lan and anotherthisother.lan to,
# even if is asking    anotherthisdomain.lan anotherthisother.lan 

# you can use to blacklist domains

It is enough to run the script and restart the recursor:

use strict;
use Fcntl ':flock';

my $spooflist = "redirect-spooflist.conf";
my $ads_lua = "redirect-ads.lua";
my $ads_pl = "";
my $main_lua = "redirect.lua";

# disallow concurrent run
open(LOCK, "< $0") or die "Failed to ask lock. Exiting";
flock(LOCK, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) or die "Unable to lock. This daemon is already alive. Exiting";

# first check if we have a ads list to block
# if not, run the local script to build izt
unless (-e $ads_lua) {
    print "$ads_lua missing\n";
    print "run $ads_pl\n" and do "./$ads_pl" if -x $ads_pl;

my %cache;
# read conf
open(LIST, "< $spooflist");
while (<LIST>) {
    next if /^#/;
    next unless s/^(.*?):\s*//;
    $cache{$1} = [ split ];

# build lua
open(NEWCONF, "> $main_lua");
printf NEWCONF ("-- Generated on %s by $0\n", scalar localtime);
print NEWCONF '-- IPv4 only script

-- ads kill list
ads = newDS()
adsdest = ""

-- spoof lists

foreach my $ip (keys %cache) {
    # special handling of IP+, + meaning we spoof even to the destination host
    my $name = $ip;
    $name =~ s/(\.|\+)//g;  
    print NEWCONF "spoof$name = newDS()\n";
    print NEWCONF "spoof$name:add{", join(", ", map "\"$_\"", sort@{$cache{$ip}}), "}\n";
    $ip =~ s/(\+)//g;
    print NEWCONF "spoofdest$name = \"$ip\"\n";

print NEWCONF '
function preresolve(dq)
   -- DEBUG
   --pdnslog("Got question for "..dq.qname:toString().." from "..dq.remoteaddr:toString().." to "..dq.localaddr:toString(), pdns.loglevels.Error)
   -- spam/ads domains
   if(ads:check(dq.qname)) then
     if(dq.qtype == pdns.A) then
       dq:addAnswer(dq.qtype, adsdest)
       return true

foreach my $ip (keys %cache) {
    my $always = 0;
    $always = 1 if ($ip =~ s/(\+)//g);     # + along with IP means always spoof no matter who is asking
    my $name = $ip;
    $name =~ s/\.//g;

    print NEWCONF '
   -- domains spoofed to '.$ip.'
   if(spoof'.$name.':check(dq.qname)) then';
    print NEWCONF '
     dq.variable = true
     if(dq.remoteaddr:equal(newCA(spoofdest'.$name.'))) then
       -- request coming from the spoof/cache IP itself, no spoofing
       return false
     end' unless $always;
    print NEWCONF '   
     if(dq.qtype == pdns.A) then
       -- redirect to the spoof/cache IP
       dq:addAnswer(dq.qtype, spoofdest'.$name.')
       return true

print NEWCONF '
   return false