Switching from NFSv3 to NFSv4

Today, I switched over NFSv4. I guess there published it for some reason and people claim it could increase file transfert rate by 20%.

In my case, to get it working properly, I…

Modified /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server on server side to have


Modified /etc/default/nfs-common on both clients and server side to have


Modified /etc/exports on server side to have something starting by




It forces you to set a root for the NFS server, in my case /server (which I had already in my NFSv3 scenario, so…), aka fsid=0.
You also need to specify nohide for any exports.

Modified /etc/fstab on clients side to set mount type to nfs4 and to remove the /server part from the paths, no longer necessary as path are relatives to fsid=0 which is /server. It gives entries like:

gate:/temp /stockage/temp nfs4 nolock 0 0

I had an export which was a symlink to somewhere in /home. NFSv4 is stricter than NFSv3 and there is no way to export something outside from fsid=0. So I made a bind, adding to /etc/fstab on server side:

/home/torrent/watch /server/torrent/watch none bind 0 0

After restarting nfs-kernel-server on the server side and nfs-common on both sides, umount NFS partitions and doing a mount -a on the client side, everything seems fine.